The Guide To Emergency Preparedness™ is a custom quick reference guide that helps keep your staff prepared for emergency situations such as bomb threats, fire emergencies, and system failures.
Because it is completely customized, the Emergency Guide allows you to convey information specific to your safety policies and emergency procedures. The Guide's unique appearance will insure employees and staff have no trouble locating the Guide in urgent situations.
The Guide brings regulatory compliance, response to emergencies, safety, and staff education all together in one easy to manage information system.
The Guide is cost effective because it is inexpensive to update, built to last for years, and it saves you time. You can be assured that the proper information is always available to all who need it.
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Hospitals & Healthcare
| Schools & Universities
| Municipality, County, or Agency
| Industrial 
This unique information system provides instant access to complex information. You and your organization are expected to be prepared for emergencies at any time. The Guide to Emergency Preparedness™ will be the answer book for responding appropriately and efficiently during a crisis.
The Guide is customized to suit your specific needs. It is not an off-the-shelf product. The unique format provides you with unlimited possibilities for providing critical information specific to your organization and its emergency preparedness procedures.
The Guide is easy to update, making it very cost effective. Because the information cards are in clear polypropylene pockets, you can easily and inexpensively update information as it changes. You will never have to throw away an outdated wall chart or laminated display again. Just reprint and replace the individual cards as needed, and your Guides will always be up-to-date.
The Guides are a readily recognized reference. When used with our Wall Mount accessory, the Guide will be there when needed. With consistent, conspicuous placement and its unique design, the Guide will be quickly recognized throughout your facility.
The Guide provides effective communication. The Guide's distinctive, three-panel design contains tiered information cards, which allow readers to quickly find the information they are looking for. Bold titles at the bottom of each card draw attention to important topics at a glance. There is no time wasted looking for the desired information or a specific phone number.
The Guide offers versatility. The total printing surface is much greater than that of a large booklet. Larger type may be used to improve readability. Maps and illustrations can offer more detail.